Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The U.S. government is honest. Or is it?

Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, in fourteen hundred ninety two. He found America, and became a hero; or at least that's what the books say. Unfortunately, our country hides parts of its history, just like every other country. The United States is honest about most of our history, but it also tries to cover up or rewrite other parts of it.

The United States is honest about most of its history. For example, when Andrew Jackson was n office, there was the Indian Removal Act. During this time, western settlers were continuously moving the Native Americans west, and taking their land. Even though this is something horrible that the U.S. did, we do not try to hide it or cover it up.

Even though, we are honest about most things, there are some things we try to hide. Such as, Christopher Columbus. Children are taught that he is the person who found the new land, which is true. However though, they are not taught about the horrible things he did on his way. In a way, this is our country trying to erase it, or act like it didn't happen.

Some may argue that the U.S. covers up most of its history, but this is not true. There are some horrible parts in our past, such as the civil war. The U.S. is not proud of the fact that its own people turned against each other. But even though we are not proud of it, we do not try to cover it up, or act like it never happened.