Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Power of One

I thought that the movie The Power of One was an amazing movie. Out of all of the movies that we have watched in Global Ed, this movie by far, is my favorite. I honestly really liked it, and I would definitely watch it again if I ever had the chance. In the beginning of the film, when P.K. was seven, I did not really understand why P.K. was sent away to school. While he was at this school, he was harshly picked on by the older boys there, just because he was of the English decent. It upset me how the adults at this school, knew that he was being bullied, but they didn’t really do anything to prevent it from happening again. Just because he had an accent, did not mean that he had anything to do with what was going on in the country at that time. It was difficult to watch the older boys pee on P.K. and to watch them hang his chicken. Another part of the film that I did not like watching was towards the end, when Geel Piet was beaten to death. P.K. and Geel Piet were very close. Geel Piet was the reason that P.K. became such an amazing boxer. He taught P.K. everything he knows about the techniques of boxing. I admire P.K. because is extremely brave. At the concert that was held for the prisoners, he had them sing things like “They are cowards”, talking about the prison guards. I wish I could be more like him.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goodbye 2009

For New Year I went to my mom’s best friend’s house. I was with my family, my aunt, uncle, my cousins, my boyfriend Corey, and a bunch of other people that I didn’t know. While we were there we ate a lot of finger food, played rock band, listened to music, and played this game called Mad Gab as we waited for midnight to arrive. All of the sudden, someone yelled “ten minutes!” and we all grabbed our cameras, and went to the living room. Ten minutes later we watched the ball drop. As soon as the ball hit the bottom everyone was blowing through their noise makers. I turned to look at Corey, and he kissed me. I blushed as we ran outside to the front porch. “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” we all screamed at the top of our lungs.

2009 was an amazing year. The most significant thing that happened to me though was started high school. It was a huge step in my life, and I know for a fact that I will never forget it. Even though it’s only January, since Christmas is over I am looking forward to summer already. Some of my friends will have their license, and I will be able to do whatever I want.

My New Year resolution is to live life without regrets. I want to live my life to its fullest. If the world really does end in 2012, I don’t want to say that I’ve wasted my whole life in school, I want to say that I’ve made a lot of memories during my life in school. “One day your life will flash before you, make it worth watching.” ~unknown

Friday, January 1, 2010

Holiday Traditions

For Christmas, we have many traditions. My mom always makes her famous peanut butter balls. They’re her specialty. She mixes peanut butter, sugar, and other ingredients to create this dough type stuff. Then, my two sisters and I always help her roll it into dozens of little balls. When we are done, my mom dips them in chocolate and puts them into the refrigerator. After they get cold, we are allowed to eat them. They taste absolutely amazing! Sort of like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, but better.

On Christmas Eve, my Grandpa comes over, and my mom makes a prime rib, which is my absolute favorite. We usually eat salad, rolls, prime rib, bake potatoes, and extremely buttery corn. For desert we eat French Silk pie. It’s my dad’s favorite. After desert we give my Grandpa his presents. Then, two sisters and I get to open two presents from my mom and dad. One of them is usually something that’s the same like, pajamas or something.

We spend Christmas day with my dad’s side of the family. My dad has seven brothers and sisters, so there are so many of us, that no one wants to have everyone at their house, so instead… we go bowling. Everyone brings some sort of food to pass around. We get a banquet room, eat, and then bowl a couple games. After bowling, we go to my aunt’s house. The adults play cards, while the kids usually play wii. It gives everyone the chance to hang out together, and bond.